Reports, Publications & Materials
on Global Tobacco Issues

Here is a list of resources that you and/or your global partner may be interested in. All are HIGHLY RECOMMENDED! Many of these documents are available in multiple languages, as indicated. Most are available on-line. Hardcopies are also available.

To aid you in ordering, the resources have been grouped by organization.


December 2003

FCTC Ratification Campaign Handbook
Infact and the Network for Accountability of Tobacco Transnationals
The Handbook is designed to facilitate the work of NGOs across the globe as we push for the FCTC’s implementation. It includes: background on the FCTC, tips and tools for developing campaign strategies, insight into the precedents the FCTC sets for other dangerous and deadly industries, information on the treaty ratification process in dozens of countries. Available in English, Spanish and French. More information about the handbook and how to order it

November 2003

International Trade Agreements and Tobacco Control
Essential Action
Threats to Public Health and the Case for Excluding Tobacco from Trade Agreements

Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids:

For hardcopies of the documents listed below, email Monica Flores <>

How Do You Sell Death...
This 16-page colorful, glossy mini-report is chock full of tobacco advertisements from around the world. Sections include: sports sponsorship, concerts & street events, fashion, billboards, brand stretching, adventure tours & contests, cigarette giveaways, and internet advertising. GPTC participants Eva Kralikova (Czech Republic), Philip Karugaba (Uganda) and Inoussa Saouna (Niger) contributed examples. Read Inoussa's account of how the tobacco industry has tried, on several occasions, to stop him from exposing its shameful marketing practices in West Africa to the rest of the world!

Golden Leaf, Barren Harvest
The Costs of Tobacco Farming

An excellent, comprehensive report on tobacco farming around the world and its harmful economic, health, and environmental impacts. Chapters include: "Tobacco Growing Goes Global," "Power Imbalance: Companies vs. Farmers," "The Illusory Economic Benefits of Tobacco," "Toll on People & the Environment," and "Industry Manipulation." Report also includes case studies on Zimbabwe, Brazil, Kenya, and Mexico; information about cigarette manufacturers & leaf dealers; a list of web resources; and lots of photos!

Trust Us - We're the Tobacco Industry
(with Action on Smoking and Health - UK)
A superb compilation of quotes from internal industry documents that reveals common industry strategies and practices worldwide (75 different countries are mentioned). Quotes are organized by topic: addiction; advertising; agriculture & the International Tobacco Growers Association; developing countries; economics, taxes, and trade; secondhand smoke/environmental tobacco smoke; labeling; tobacco industry lobbbying; media relations; product design: "Light" and "Low Tar" cigarettes; tobacco smuggling; the World Health Organization and other enemies; women; and youth smoking. Includes an index by country/region and advice on searching tobacco industry documents.
Hardcopies of Spanish version (Confie en nosotros - Somos la industria tabacalera) also available upon request.

Illegal Pathways to Illegal Profits
The Big Cigarette Companies and International Smuggling

A great overview of Big Tobacco's involvement in tobacco smuggling worldwide, based on internal industry documents. Each section focuses different geographical region: Africa (BAT and Cameroon), Latin America (Philip Morris and Colombia), Asia (BAT and Bangladesh), and Europe (RJR and Spain). Includes information on ways to stop cigarette company smuggling, sources of additional information, and copies of key company-smuggling documents. (English) (Spanish)

Public Health, International Trade and the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control
Want a crash course on international trade and tobacco? This document's for you! Learn about the importance of the FCTC taking precedence over other international agreements, restraining tobacco company behavior abroad, and ensuring that regulatory "floors" are not treated as "ceilings." (English) (French)


Essential Action:

Addicted to Profit: Big Tobacco's Expanding Global Reach
by Ross Hammond
"Under fire in the United States for marketing a product which kills half of its regular users, Big Tobacco has been expanding its operations abroad where the opportunities for profit are much greater and its histories of lies and deceit not quite so well known. Addicted to Profit is a carefully documented expose' of this aggressive expansion. It provides the clearest argument to date why national tobacco legislation must include provisions to prevent these companies from spreading death and disease in the rest of the world." -- U.S. Representative Nancy Pelosi, California
For a hardcopy contact

Needless Harm  
IMF Support for Tobacco Privatization and for Tobacco Tax & Tariff Reduction - and the Cost to Public Health

International Trade Agreements and Tobacco Control  
Threats to Public Health and the Case for Excluding Tobacco from Trade Agreements


Infact and the Network for Accountability of Tobacco Transnationals:

FCTC Ratification Campaign Handbook
The Handbook is designed to facilitate the work of NGOs across the globe as we push for the FCTC’s implementation. It includes: background on the FCTC, tips and tools for developing campaign strategies, insight into the precedents the FCTC sets for other dangerous and deadly industries, information on the treaty ratification process in dozens of countries. Available in English, Spanish and French. More information about the handbook and how to order it


PATH Canada:

A Burning Issue: Tobacco Control and Development
A manual for non-governmental organizations

Designed to inspire those in different sectors to become involved in tobacco control, this excellent manual examines the relevance of tobacco to economics/poverty, the environment, women, children/adolescents, food security/nutrition, human rights, drug use, religion, and health. In addition to providing essential background information, the manual offers practical suggestions for effective activities. (English, Bengali, Vietnamese)

British American Tobacco’s Youth Smoking Prevention Campaign: What are its true objectives?
This short report analyzes the BAT campaign, using internal industry documents, student focus groups, and a survey of over 300 male students aged 12-15. It also serves as a guide to countering industry-sponsored youth prevention campaigns in other countries. (English, French, Spanish)

Hungry for Tobacco: An analysis of the economic impact of tobacco on the poor in Bangladesh.
This eye-opening report shows how tobacco expenditures can further aggravate poverty and malnutrition by diverting resources from basic needs. Sections include: "Tobacco's cost to the national economy," "Never too poor to smoke: Dhaka rickshaw pullers," "Tobacco or Education?," "More cigarettes, fewer eggs," "Marlboro or milk?," and "Tobacco and malnutrition." Includes color photos and graphs. (English, Bengali)

PATH Canada Guide: Tobacco Control Law
A short, easy-to-read, practical guide to different legal measures to reduce tobacco use. Provides an overview of and recommendations for different types of tobacco control legislation (increased taxes, comprehensive advertising bans, tobacco product warnings, protection of non-smokers, smuggling, health education and counter advertising), with examples from various countries. It recommends against passing bans on sales to minors, particularly in low-income countries. (English, French, Spanish)

PATH Canada Guide: International Tobacco Growers’ Association
ITGA Uncovered: Unraveling the spin – the truth behind the claims

Exposure of the connections between ITGA and the tobacco industry, with detailed information to counter ITGA’s claims of representing tobacco farmers. (English, French, Spanish)

Factsheets on tobacco and poverty and tobacco and employment, illustrating how tobacco use can exacerbate poverty and how tobacco control can be harmless or even beneficial in terms of employment. (English, French, Spanish)

To access the English & Spanish versions of reports listed above go to
Click "Tobacco Control" (left column), then "Tobacco Control Resources" or "Informes sobre el control del tabaco"

To access French versions of reports listed above go to:
Click "La reduction du tabagisme" (left column), then "Quelques rapports en francaise su la lutte anti-tabac"

For hardcopies, email Debra Efroymsom <>


San Francisco Tobacco Free Project:

Health Before Profit - Stop the TNT's! (Transnational Tobacco Companies)
50 Ways to Participate in the Global Movement

This 8-page pamphlet offers a list of actions ideas under the categories: "What you can do today," "Support the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control," "Local things you can do (Research, Raise Awareness, Take Action)," "Participate in a Partnership." Also includes a list of resources on transnational tobacco issues. For a copy, email Mele Smith <> or Susana Hennessy Lavery <>

Essential Action
Global Partnerships for Tobacco Control

P.O. Box 19405 ~ Washington, DC 20036
Tel: +1 202-387-8030 ~ Fax: +1 202-234-5176