Morris list of international tobacco control advocates (1999) Luk Joosens of Belgium alerted Globalink members that Philip Morris has a 1999 list of tobacco control advocates from around the world on its website It contains 98 names (of which 36 in the US) and is a mixture of academics, WHO and government officials and tobacco control advocates. View the list: HTML, PDF Stella Aguinaga Bialous then dug up the memo that preceded the list. It was sent to Matt Lenling from his secretary Anne Lenling on September 24, 1999. View the memo: HTML, PDF The memo mentions the sources relied upon for compiling the list of tobacco control advocates. As it turns out, one of the four sources listed is a document that Essential Action helped generate: Statement released by tobacco control advocates on June 17, 1997 entitled, "International Tobacco Control Advocates Criticize US Tobacco Litigation Global Settlement Negotiations." If your name's
on the list, congratulations! Being cited by Philip Morris as a bonafide
"tobacco control advocate" is one of the highest compliments
one can receive in our field of work. If not, keep on trying. Maybe future
litigation against the company will turn up its tobacco control advocate
lists for 2002. If you're a threat to the tobacco industry in your country,
your name just might be on it! Essential
Global Partnerships for Tobacco Control P.O. Box 19405 ~ Washington, DC 20036 Tel: +1 202-387-8030 ~ Fax: +1 202-234-5176 Email: