3rd International Week of Resistance to
Tobacco Transnationals 2002

Take Action!

February 2002

Next week is the 3rd International Week of Resistance to Tobacco Transnational (IWR 2002), leading up to the 4th round of negotiations on the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (March 18-24) in Geneva. The international event is organized by the Network for Accountability of Tobacco Transnationals and co-sponsored by Global Partnerships for Tobacco Control. This year's theme is "Public Health Before Corporate Globalization."

Dozens of GPTC groups participated in IWR2000 and IWR2001, organizing workshops and demonstrations, collecting thousands of signatures, and holding public viewings of the documentary "Making a Killing." For more information about previous years' activities see http://www.iwr2001.org. Here's how you can participate this year:

  • MEDIA COVERAGE. This is the easiest way to participate! Below is a press release that you can modify and distribute to local media. Often, journalists will copy press releases word-for-word. Suggestions:

    1) Use your global partnership as a "local hook." Include examples of outrageous tobacco industry practices in your partner's country and around the world (for examples see: http://www.essentialaction.org/tobacco/qofm/0201a.html) and/or a quote from your partner.

    2) If there are other GPTC groups in your city, state, or country, consider issuing a joint press release or holding a joint press conference.

  • ORGANIZE A DEMONSTRATION. Demonstrations are powerful because they are public, visible, and lively. Even a small, impromptu gathering of a few people with signs is worthwhile for attracting local media coverage and generating photos to share with groups in other countries. Suggestions:

    1) Location: a) Gather in front of a tobacco industry building, a prominent tobacco advertisement, or an appropriate government building, e.g. Ministry of Health. b) March around a school, neighborhood, or down a popular street. c) Stand at a "high-traffic area," e.g. along a main road or a train station at rush hour.

    2) Visuals are important! Carry some handmade signs and/or a large banner. If you have time, think of some creative costumes or skits. You may want to include speakers, recite chants, and/or hand out literature.

    3) Involve your partner: a) Ask your partner to send you a short message of solidarity to read at your event and share with the press. b) Have your partner send ideas for messages and images to put on posters.

  • HOST A WORKSHOP. Invite other groups and the media to learn about the importance of international tobacco control, your global partnership, the FCTC and how well your country's delegation is representing public health interests vs. the tobacco industry. Show a video, e.g. "Making a Killing." For more specific guidelines see the IWR2002 organizing kit.


  • INFO ABOUT FCTC NEGOTIATIONS. For those of you who are interested, check out these materials for more information re: the fourth round of FCTC negotiations (March 18-23). You may find them helpful in preparing for the International Week of Resistance to Tobacco Transnationals 2002.

    1) The current draft texts are now available on the web at: http://www.who.int/gb/fctc/inb4/inb4.html

    2) The Framework Convention Alliance , an alliance of over 160 groups from some 73 countries dedicated to a strong and effective global tobacco treaty, has prepared position papers, with recommended text, on 4 key areas of the FCTC: advertising, smuggling, trade and packaging/labeling. These are available on the web in English, French and Spanish at: http://www.fctc.org/inb3.shtml

    3) ASH in London has just completed an excellent commentary on the Working Group texts, which is on their website at: http://www.ash.org.uk/html/international/html/inb4commentary.html
    pdf version , MSWord version

    The aim of the ASH commentary is to give delegates the best options to select from the bracketed texts by proposing which bits should be included and which deleted, and to propose new wording if necessary. It is not a 'model treaty' - but a delegate's guide to the texts that will be on the table at INB-4.

Essential Action
Global Partnerships for Tobacco Control

P.O. Box 19405 ~ Washington, DC 20036
Tel: +1 202-387-8030 ~ Fax: +1 202-234-5176
Email: tobacco@essential.org