Global Partnerships for Tobacco Control

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Philip Morris External Research Program
Take Action!

Date: December 2000

Philip Morris is recruiting university professors and others to work for the company as peer reviewers (i.e. to advise and comment on the work of other scientists in the same field of study). This is part of a new program of scientific research on which Philip Morris is embarking - a strategic element of the company's effort to whitewash its tarnished public image.

Our friends at the International Agency on Tobacco and Health have obtained a list of over 100 people, mostly from U.S. institutions (e.g. Harvard School of Public Health, John Hopkins University, and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency) who have agreed to act as peer reviewers for the company. These peer reviewers need to hear from you!

As part of Essential Action's Global Partnerships for Tobacco Control program, we are organizing a letter writing campaign to educate the peer reviewers of the harm to international public health that they are doing and to demand that they refuse all Philip Morris money and decline to further associate themselves with the corporation.

For more information, check out the following links:
1.   The plan of action
2. a. A sample letter
  b. Essential Action letter 12/21/01
  c. Email from Essential Action 1/24/01
3.   Background information on PM's research program & on why such an association is harmful
4.   List of peer reviewers
5.   Contact information for peer reviewers, listed in alphabetical order by:
  a. Country, State
  b. Last Name
6.   Communications with peer reviewers & SAB members
7.   Links to relevant industry documents
8.   Excerpt from PM's External Research Program's Request for Applications - 2000
9.   Statement by SNRT on PM research program

We encourage you to send your letters as soon as possible. Please share copies of your letters and any responses you receive with us:

Global Partnerships for Tobacco Control
Essential Action
P.O. Box 19405
Washington, DC 20036
Tel: 1-202-387-8030
Fax: 1-202-234-5176